‘We Want to Eat,’ Twins Beg Lady, She Notices They Have Her Late Son’s Birthmark

Estella traced the inscription inside the ring, crying. Her son, Neil, a talented scientist, had followed in his late father’s footsteps. Estella encouraged his career, but one day, a call shattered her world: “Your son… he’s no longer with us.”

Estella’s life spiraled into grief, and she felt no reason to live. Years passed, and she remained consumed by sorrow, unable to find solace. One day, ten years later, she encountered two young boys in the market. They resembled Neil and bore his unique birthmark.

Intrigued, Estella treated the boys to hot chocolate and buns, learning their names were Jordan and Tim. When their mother arrived, Estella recognized her as Emily, a woman she had met years ago. Emily revealed she had been dating Neil and was pregnant when he died.

Emily struggled alone, ending up on the streets with her twins. Estella realized these were her grandsons. “You should’ve walked up to me, hugged me, and told me you’re the mother of Neil’s children,” Estella said, embracing Emily and the boys.

Estella gave Emily the ring Neil had gifted her, symbolizing acceptance and family. “You and your children are coming home with me,” she said, finding new purpose in providing a loving home for them. Estella now understood why God had kept her alive.


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