One Month Before A Heart Att.ack, Your Body Will Warn You Of These 7 Signs.


Pay attention to these signs as they could indicate a heart attack within a month. It is crucial to consider them as warning signs.Swollen Feet.If you have congestive heart failure, your heart’s lower chambers may lose their ability to effectively pump blood. As a result, blood can accumulate in your legs, ankles, and feet, leading to swelling.Fatigue.When your arteries narrow, your heart receives less blood than it needs. This causes your heart to work harder than usual, resulting in excessive tiredness and drowsiness.Shortness of breath.When your heart receives less blood, your lungs may not receive enough oxygen as well. Since these two systems are interconnected, difficulty in breathing may indicate a need for immediate medical attention, as it could be a sign of an impending attack.Weakness.When your arteries narrow, it hinders proper blood circulation, leading to weakness in your body. Your muscles may not receive adequate nourishment, which can cause unexpected falls. Take extra caution.Dizziness and Cold Sweats.Poor circulation can restrict blood flow to your brain, posing a serious threat to your life. Initially, this may cause dizziness and clamminess. Do not ignore these symptoms.Chest PressureIf you are experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, you may have been feeling discomfort or pressure in your chest. This sensation will gradually intensify until the actual attack occurs.Symptoms of Flu or Cold.If you suddenly experience symptoms of flu, it could mean that the flu is about to strike soon.



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