James Fridman possesses a unique talent akin to that of a whimsical genie who grants wishes with a twist. He’s adept at providing precisely what you request, albeit in a delightfully warped manner, resulting in some of the most entertaining Photoshop mishaps you’ll ever encounter. Take a glance at the images below to witness his creative mischief firsthand.
Do you have a picture in mind that could benefit from the touch of this Photoshop maestro?
A unique appearance one shouldn’t be ashamed of – No Photoshop Needed Here
Cleaning walls taken literally
Dangerous Waters
Photoshop The Peeing Guy
Legs for Days?
She Wanted To Look Grate
Social Life? What Social Life?
Hide The Gap
Grins All-Round
Highlights or Highlighter?
Silly Stance
Woke As Heck
Running from The Monsters
Perfect As You Are
Think Eiffel Tower Fails, But Funnier
And finally, we have this one, which is probably the best Photoshop job we’ve seen. Robert, we think your girlfriend can wear what she’d like and not have to worry about what your family will think; besides, we think you look great in a turtle neck.