Tim was seeing a little girl across the street waving at him every evening. She would place her hand in the air, and wave at him.
He turned to his wife, Sandy, and told her that she was waving at him again. He would feel that the little girl was calling him in. But Sandy told him that maybe she was just acting friendly.
That night, she was the little girl in his dream. She was begging him not to leave her. Then Sandy woke him. She told him that he was speaking in his sleep.
When the woman opened the door, he was shocked. It was Julie. Then the little girl appeared after Julie, and she hugged to Tim, “DADDY!!”
Julie pulled him in to talk with him. She asked that if Tim was remembering the lake house six years ago. Before they break up, Julie became pregnant but she had no idea about that, until three months passed.
She then explained that she couldn’t reach out to him since he moved out of town, and changed his phone number.
Heidi was sitting on the corner silently.
Julie explained that after her company sent her to this town, she moved in there. A week ago she noticed that Tim was living across the street. Heidi knew how her father was looking, because Julie showed his pictures when she would ask about her father.